Saturday, January 21, 2012

Numbers still falling

Another pretty good week.  Down another 3 pounds.  Would have liked to have had another 6 like last week, but it just didn't happen.  It was a crazy long week, long days and not enough sleep.  And super stressful, so we can blame it on that.  I did not get to work out at all, but I did use the steps at work instead of the elevator.  Setting in class is not conducive to psychical activity. 

We had a party for a co-worker who is moving back to Ohio and I made a big crock pot of turkey chili, but I actually did pretty good.  One small bowl of mine and one small bowl of another (white chicken chili) and no cake, brownies or other snackables.  It was hard, but I refrained.

I have been studying the apple diet.  Three days of nothing but apples for a body detox and a power burst of energy.  Still researching... I will report on my findings and Gennypig results....

Mark was 288 now 249 and counting down... 

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